GOAL 2 0 1 6: Listen!
The Creator spoke from the very first point of expansion, the birth, of The Universe 13.82 billion years ago. The sheer power of that initial beacon is unperceivable to any single being. The beauty of all that has existed since, is pure in a way that will never be held collectively in the visions of all past, present, and future humanity.
For centuries, millennia, or even longer we have been listening to the reverberations of that grand event. Though we have observed, we have never fully understood, the levity of a very simple key presented by The Creator. We may never, even as human life fades in the far distant future, fully grasp the importance of this sacred key.
The Creator placed this key throughout The Universe. It may be a constant involved with respect to time in the initial beacon or a factor in the minute movement of particles in the grand expansion of distances between galaxies. It could also be a coefficient for movement of matter in and out of black holes collapsing one reality and emerging to another. If electricity is applied to fluid metal, a magnetic field forms instantly causing molecules to assemble as if by command.
It is also the undeniable formula for the creation of structures in innumerable life forms on Earth. It is the pattern for the base of an acorn, the petal count for daisies, and the fascinating structure of broccoli. Countless examples of this perfect mathematical key exist as fossils on Earth in record of its undeniable prowess for millions of years. Could one count the number of seashells in all of the seas since the beginning of time? No. Speculation would certainly be futile.
The Creator, placed this key in galactic and biological formations as well as in the mere form of the cochlea in the human ear and outright exclaimed: "...listen...LISTEN!" Humanity is listening and beginning to comprehend this very simple gift: The Fibonacci Sequence.
The most important ecosystem on Earth is currently in danger. Nay..! The most complex, dynamic system presented in The whole Universe, is now vulnerable, by our own actions, and unfortunately in danger of complete collapse. Pollution, industrialized fishing, tourism, senseless whaling, humanity's general abuse, and unapologetic consumption are all dire actions in direct disregard of The Creator's Word; for the sounds of all the oceans in The World can be heard whispering in our ear from a single seashell.
It is our duty as the current caretakers of Earth, this Noah's Ark for the Universe (at least our facet of it,) to ensure coastal and oceanic preservation throughout our existence. I propose: "Global Oceanic Purification" as a process beginning by returning as much of the Earth's 217,490 miles of coastline to the pure form which we were originally presented.
By construction of self-contained cities that tread little on the shores of the world, utilizing sustainable energies, traversing coastlines only by mass transportation, deconstructing the sprawl of the 19th and 20th centuries, and replacing and repairing the existing scars with natural vegetation, Earth can be returned progressively closer to the pure state The Creator originally envisioned.
The reverberations of that initial communication should continue and be enhanced by our understanding rather than destroyed by an unforgivable, selfish, inconsiderate humanity. The last human on Earth shall stand in awe of the wonder of all creation in the twilight of a setting sun on a calming sea: "Global Oceanic Purification" in the name of respect for the vision of The Creator as well as our own Legacy.