Salvator Mundi "Savior of the World"
by Leonardo da Vinci 1499-1510 ad.
Digital retouch kristofer michael savial 2024
In 1500 or so, Leonardo did not have a picture of the World, thus he left the glass orb as a placeholder. The classic interpretation of Leonardo's version is that the fingers are crossed. No!!! As I studied this for another piece, I realized the Savior is holding an invisible brush as he looks in the mirror while painting the orb. He is communicating to someone in the distant future to finish his work. - kristofer michael savial 2024
In this version I update it for the 21stCentury acknowledging Leonardo's original intention by centering Earth with Italy above the Savior's forefinger. I also blurred the other hand to communicate an unknown message for the future.
Salvator Mundi "Savior of the World"
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